Doctoral/Master’s Program in International Public Policy

The Doctoral/Master’s Program in International Public Policy consists of two fields: International Relations and Sociology. This program provides a comprehensive curriculum to graduate students for their research capacity building through a professional as well as an interdisciplinary approach in each field. The objective of this program is to educate students by promoting and upgrading their research capacity to an international level and their practical knowledge for framing problems and finding solutions in the area of international public policy.

Field of International Relations

In the field of international relations, students study and devote their time to research on international relations, comparative politics, international security, international law, the history of international relations, domestic politics and economics, diplomacy of each area and country such as the United States, Canada, Europe, Russia and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Central and South America, East and Southeast Asia, and modern Japan. Students are expected to deepen their analysis of the processes and outcomes connected to the implementation of public policy and note their significance in this globalizing era. Also, students will devote their research activities to the cultural aspects of globalization, based on the study of cultural anthropology, as well as field work based on development anthropology, migration studies, and practical studies for regional development, such as the promotion of sightseeing.

The Master’s Program promotes the development of highly-advanced professionals capable of analyzing, designing and implementing public policies at central and local governments, international organizations, think tanks, research sections of private companies, and NGOs and NPOs, by establishing an academic base that enables creative research.

In the Doctoral Program, experienced professionals are cultivated with academic knowledge and capacity for innovative and flexible thinking, to advocate policies for problem-solving. Also, this program promotes the acquisition of educational know-how for researchers and academic staff, based on the concept of “shifting the system of promoting graduate students who are just studying to the system of promoting those who are able to educate”.

Field of Sociology

The field of sociology provides education and research on social issues and cultural studies. In terms of sociological issues, research on social issues related to gender, medicine, education, family, and regional problems are the focus. Cultural studies place the focus on issues concerning modern culture, knowledge, history, communication, organizations, cities and sports. It is noteworthy that students are able to study life stories and ethnomethodology, as well as conduct fieldwork and discourse analysis, which are based on quality data.

The Master’s Program in the field of sociology promotes knowledge development for students with the analysis of sociological issues related to decreasing birthrates and aging populations, social welfare, medical systems, environment, international society, modern culture, and also aims at promoting professionals capable of finding solutions and policy implications in addition to molding researchers with a basic and substantial capability for academic works. The Doctoral Program promotes the development of researchers and professionals capable of formulating creative and flexible ideas and knowledge who can also contribute to social needs and the enrichment of sociology itself.