The Journal of International Public Policy

The Journal of International Public Policy (ISSN 2185-3576) is published once or twice a year by Doctoral Program in International Public Policy, the University of Tsukuba. International public policy, as used in this particular Journal, is a broad, open-ended interdisciplinary concept; it deals with international and comparative dimensions of public policy and related social phenomena, which naturally concern various existing fields of study, including politics, economics, history, law and communication.

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The Editorial Board

  • Osamu YOSHIDA, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Aki MORI, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Editorial Correspondence

The Editors, The Journal of International Public Policy (Kokusai Kokyo Seisaku Ronsyu)
Doctoral Program in International Public Policy, University of Tsukuba,
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
Tel: +81-298-53-6795
Fax: +81-298-53-7440